Why You’re Really Not Leaving Him

I’m going to drop some truth on you… are you ready?



Today I might be coming in a little hot, my loves. Tell me, does this sound like you? You know they’re the ONE but they’re not prioritizing you. They say they’ll call after work but don’t hit you up till 10 p.m.  As much as you want to ignore them… you answer. Why?

I’m going to drop some truth on you… are you ready? You’re “always available,” like we talked about in the last episode, because you’re waiting for them to choose you. It doesn’t have to be a romantic partner: your mom, your friends, your job. I’m not going to judge you if you continue to stay in your situationship, but in this episode I give you a few things to think about.

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Learning About Self Worth with Dontea' and Anwar White "Get Your Guy Coaching Podcast"


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