Your Situationship Results Are On The Way 🎉

But while I’ve got you here, I think you’d really love this!

Get Out Of The Situationship Rinse & Repeat Cycle Training

On-Demand 1hr Video Training

  • Understand where your situationship behavior comes from

  • Learn how to break your unique situationship behavior cycle

  • Gain clarity & healing from situationships

  • Create a cycle of joy & happiness

  • Learn affirmations to heal from situationships

As a thank you, I’d love to offer you this training for only $27

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  • You're doing everything right to be the perfect girlfriend, and he still doesn't choose you.

  • You have a great job, you’re working out, traveling, you’re beautiful and successful, yet, YOU'RE STILL SINGLE.

  • You continuously find yourself in situationships, friends with benefits, or off and on again relationships.

  • You are doing all the things to prove your worth to him constantly. You find yourself not speaking up and just going along with everything.

  • You want to have what everyone else has, a love/partner because that's when life will be worth it.

If you felt like I was reading your diary, then this training will help you get unstuck and choose yourself now over worrying about your future!


Hey, Love

I’m Dontea’, a therapist turned self-worth coach and believe me when I say, I’ve been there.

About seven years ago, I found myself in relationship after relationship. Let's be honest; it was situationship after situationship. However, I was hopeful that each would lead to an exclusive, committed relationship ending in marriage. After four failed relationships, I knew something had to change. I was heartbroken, confused, anxious, and ready to give up on love.

So I decided, "Well, let me just live my best city-girl life and only date casually." Of course, I always caught feelings and started envisioning a future with them, which confused me. This was my breaking point. I was tired of feeling like the girl who a man would never choose; no matter what I did, what I wore, my weight, or my success, nothing would matter.

That's when I knew I needed professional help. Through this process, I was able to get clear about why I didn't believe I was worthy of love. It was challenging, but in the end, I was able to accept myself unconditionally and create a support system where I felt seen, heard, and understood. Best of all, I no longer believed I had to be in a relationship to have worth.

That's why I stopped living a life based on others' wants and a life based on my values and desires, and it has been amazing! I still desire a strong, loving, healthy relationship one day, but I feel a lot better about my life right now because I did the work.

Don't miss your life right now because you are unsure of your future.


 Results from Happy Self-Worth Queens

Get inspired… this could be you!

“I needed to be reminded of my boundaries, and it was nice to have a judgment-free zone where I had the space to process on my own while also getting tools on how to communicate my boundaries. The conversations gave me clarity about what to say and empowered me to choose myself over the discomfort and others’ opinions of me that I can not control. I’ve noticed that the people around me wish they could set boundaries with their families as I have. “

— Crystal J., Georgia

 Inside this 1-Hr training, you’ll learn:

  • The cycles that keep you returning to situationships: Understand the history of why we constantly find ourselves in similar relationships.

  • The 4 common situationship behaviors: Recognize the 4 most common behaviors that are perfect for keeping situationships going.

  • How to break your situationship cycle: Finally learn the method to gain clarity on how to break free and start your self-love healing journey

  • Affirmations for healing: Takeaway 4 specially curated affirmations for each situationship behavior designed to help you regain your self-worth and start to create a cycle of joy and happiness.

 More Results from fellow, Self-Worth Queens!

Ready to hear more?

“One of the greatest gems I’ve gained has been teaching me to effectively and confidently communicate my feelings, needs, and boundaries with both myself and others. In past experiences with others, I feel like I have to omit certain feelings or responses out of fear of being judged. Dontea’ showed me I could be more open and it's so freaking liberating!!! Working with Dontea’ can help you get out of living a life for others and into the habit of not feeling guilty for valuing and prioritizing self.”

— Shaleisa, These Halls Can Talk

A situationship is all you know and have seen others do. Your friends do it, artists sing about them, your family members have been off and on dating the same man for 10+ years, so it’s more normal than unnormal.

You're not alone, love. Dating is hard, and when you finally meet someone, you want to do anything to make it work. And when it doesn't work out, it's hard not to question what I did wrong? Plenty of women have come to me seeking understanding on how to be enough for others.

I've been there, girl! I've believed that if I just overperformed and became the version everyone wanted me to be, I would be accepted, seen, heard, and chosen. Through many heartbreaks, hard conversations, and professional help, I finally had the clarity and breakthrough I've always wanted. I was able to see my worth apart from the judgment of others. I CAN NOT WAIT to share what I've learned with you.

Are you ready to leave situationships behind, so you can have joy now?


You’ll never have to wonder what it’s like to have self-love and self-worth ever again. You’ll be able to access that confidence GLOW right now.


Get this training today for just $27

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